Concept: 4 out of 5
Execution: 4 out of 5
Yeah, but: Your milage may vary.
The Long Version: It's been six months since I first reviewed the Xootr MG kick scooter, and it's consistently been one of the most-viewed pages on `thewsreviews. So here we are, five hundred kilometers and a full summer later, with a second look at this nifty little sport-utility vehicle.
Some of the biggest questions have been about what it's like to ride in the city, how it deals with pedestrians and other obstructions, and what sort of music is appropriate. Aiming to answer all of those and more, I MacGyvered a video rig and hit the free-with-computer editing software.
Introducing the Xootrcam: `thewsreviews with video!
My very first attempt at an edited video (above) is a bit of cruising, showing the kind of speed that's possible on the open road, and ends with a set of streetcar tracks. Personally, I love watching this one: I keep waiting for something to happen, and it just keeps not happening. It's a lot like my photography.
But How Fast Is It? I use the Xootr Mg for my daily commute, which is about 2.75km on mostly-level roads. On a good day, I can do it in about ten minutes, giving me an average speed of 16km/h-ish. I've used a GPS to get a speed reading while I was moving, and that gave me a result that fluctuated between 16-18km/h, which is especially impressive since I was riding one-handed. (I had to hold the GPS, after all, but it's a dumb thing to do.) So I'd estimate that my actual top speed is about 18km/h on flat ground without obstructions, a rough surface, or a headwind. In practical terms, I'm much faster than a skateboard or those toy Razor scooters, can usually pass enthusiasts with rollerblades without much trouble, and occasionally pass slow bikes. (Bikes are actually a bit of a nuisance when they're in the scooter lane, because even though they're faster overall they accelerate much more slowly.) Walking the same route takes about twenty-five minutes, and the subway's no faster. So even allowing for the few times I haven't used it, my xooter has saved me seventy-five hours of my life over the course of the past six months. Two things matter when you try to get a scooter to go fast: kicking speed, how fast your leg can move during the kick, and kicking power, which is the amount of strength that you can put into it. On level ground and without a great tail-wind, it's impossible to travel faster than you can kick. There are no gears or other mechanical advantage, so the faster I go, the smaller the difference will be between my fastest kicking speed and how quickly the ground is moving backward. So going fast is a bit of work, and going faster than that is basically impossible. But going less fast - but still far faster than walking pace - is very easy and takes almost no effort. Like Einstein said, everything is relative. The upright Scooting posture is pretty harsh in a headwind, and even minor grades are noticeable when moving on wheels with so little rolling resistance. This is where kicking power matters. I actually find that I don't really slow down when I hit adverse conditions, I just work a lot harder to keep up my customary speed. I can't really tell whether that's a trait of the scooter or my latently competitive personality. If you're looking for athletic training, riding a scooter is something like a cross between climbing stairs and doing lunges on a treadmill. Stairs are actually great conditioning exercise, or looking at it another way, riding a scooter is a great way to prepare for the next power failure in your office or apartment building. Done with enthusiasm scooter-riding can be a respectable workout, but unfortunately my commute is a little too short to have shown any appreciable results. Life in the City It's important not to be an idiot in life, and riding a scooter requires more consideration than usual. Take it easy on the sidewalks, don't hog the bike lanes, and remember that the smooth gliding motion of a scooter makes it very hard for drivers to see you and gauge your speed. Remember that pedestrians have the right of way, and are prone to doing odd things, so give them plenty of room. Dogs are often skittish and bark for no reason, so be careful around them too. And if you're on the road, remember to obey the rules that govern vehicles - although one benefit of my scooter is how I can simply step off to claim a pedestrian's rights at a crosswalk. Walking a few extra paces is also a more polite way to deal with crowds and a safer way to approach blind corners. I've yet to wipe out, and really don't expect to without some significant outside assistance. But when I do need to rapidly transition from riding to walking - what cyclists would call 'spontaneous de-biking' - a few quick running steps is enough to get my balance back. The only real danger comes when I have to lift the scooter at the same time, because if it swings around, 'Ankle Spanker' gets a whole new meaning. It hurts. If you choose to ride at night, watch out for potholes and anything else that might trip the front wheel, and make certain you're well lit - front and back. In the photo at the top of this article you can see my main LED front light, in white on the underside of the handlebar, and I also have another light facing right for cars in driveways and side-streets. The camera's flash is also picking up some of the reflective tape that I added. This is a great find from the automotive section at Canadian Tire, because it looks black until it needs to do its thing. Nifty and not at all dorky. For rear lights I've added a couple of red LED bike lights to the orange messenger bag that I use while riding. The scooter's narrow wheels will cut through any sort of sand, no matter how well-packed it looks, so off-roading isn't highly recommended. And when it rains, the brakes do a vanishing act, so do not ride faster than you can walk when it's wet. Despite having the rear fender installed riding in the rain is for emergencies only. I'll happily pay the fee to ride the subway instead. There is an optional rear-brake-and-fender kit available, which I bought several years ago. I've been completely unable to find a way to make the rear brake stop clanging against the fender, so I got rid of it and have just the fender installed. I rarely miss the rear brake, but it would be nice to have, so it might be worth finding out if Xootr has solved this particular issue if you're considering ordering a scooter of your own. Also, the fender is just long enough to catch my brake cable when the scooter's completely folded. One day I'll get around to cutting it down or finding a new way to secure the cable, but when the handle's left long enough for the scooter to stand upright, it's not a problem. The video above, Xootr in the City, shows an out-and-back trip over the same terrain. The first is the crowd-level perspective, followed by the return trip with the popular front-wheel view. Notice that I keep away from the wide gap that runs along the curb-side of the sidewalk, because it is wide enough to catch the front wheel, and I also weave slightly when I'm on interlocking brick. This is another way of making certain that I don't fall into a rut that can pull the scooter aside, even though the grooves in the brick really aren't deep enough to be hazardous. It's just a good habit to have. So, to make a short story long... In the past six months, I've travelled at least 500 kilometers, and frequently cross potholes, rough sidewalks, and streetcar tracks. In that time, I've noticed only two examples of wear-and-tear. The front tire is wearing unevenly as the brake pad cuts into it, but it probably has at least another season's riding in it. But when I finally have to put the scooter away for the year, I'll take the time to swap the positions of the front and back wheel and level out the front brake pad, so it'll probably be several more years until I need to buy a replacement set. The only other change that I've noticed is what sounds like a slight noise from the rear wheel's bearing, but rolling performance is unaffected. When going over an obstacle, it's quick and easy to just lift the front of the scooter while kicking, but the rear wheel takes the brunt of everything. I'm not too surprised if it's starting to show the effects of rolling through its harsh inner-city life. Overall, I'm very happy with the durability of my Xootr. I can't imagine ever wearing the magnesium scooter chassis out; the relatively large 180mm wheels and brake can be replaced for $75 in parts, shipping and taxes not included. It's not a bad deal at all considering the quality and longevity of the parts. Here's one last example of youtube's tragically inadequate bandwidth, but this time without any music. It gives a good sense of what riding in the city is really like, both at its most challenging as well as in its open-road glory. (And don't miss the cameo at the end.) But what about __________? People often find my first review when they're looking for used Xootrs. I wish them good luck. Mine looks like it will last forever, and I can't see many people who own one wanting to part with it. Rumour has it that Xootr sometimes resells ones that were returned to them under their 30-day guarantee, so try contacting them if you like, but they really are worth the list price. In six months it has saved me over $400 in subway tokens, and it's much faster and more reliable than the TTC. The other thing I see a lot is people wondering which Xootr to buy. The company says that the Mg is their best, and I believe them. But having lived with mine for a while, I might be tempted to get a Roma instead. It's slightly lighter, which doesn't matter much, but I think I'd prefer its narrower 4" deck. I rarely stand with both feet square on the deck, so the breadth of the Mg doesn't add much to it's usability, but it gets in the way when I carry the scooter on the subway.

Hi there! Thanks for the nice review and videos! I'm thinking of getting one of these, but I have a worry...
ReplyDeleteIn my city (in Spain), there are almost no bicycle lanes, so I intend to go mostly slow in the walk lane (they're wide). My worry is that many of these (like 2/5 of the total) have a very bumpy pavement, with small raised squares of around one inch in size (I guess is for improved adherence when it rains, which is like 5 times a year).
I read somewhere that the hard wheels transmit very well any irregularity in the pavement, so I'm concerned about this circumstance. Since you're seasoned with the thing, do you think this can ruin my experience, or will it be bearable? MANY THANKS!
The solid rubber wheels do transmit shock, but there's a little bit of spring in the deck that absorbs some of it. Not much, but some. When I ordered mine I thought that I'd replace the big foam hand-grips with something a little more svelte, but I quickly realized that the cushioning is very functional.
ReplyDeleteSmooth roads are very nice. My favourite place to ride is on close-set marble pavers. Smooooooth.
But you've seen some of the roads and sidewalks that I ride on. Riding on rough surfaces is slower, louder, and less comfortable, but it is possible as long as there aren't ridges that will trip or trap the wheels. But I do wonder how hard it would be, and whether the fight would be worth it. I'd be inclined to think that it's not. As a reality check, I'd take a look around and see if there are people riding in-line roller-skates or skateboards on these streets and sidewalks. The Xootr is more capable than they are, so if they can do it, so can you.
Hi Matthew, thanks for the quick answer. I think then that I'd be out for a not-so-pleasant experience, because there's no smooth pavements here as seen in your videos. We have a variable range of bump sizes, from very large tesellations to the very small ones that concerned me the most, but it is bumps all the way.
ReplyDeleteThere is not much skating/skateboarding around here (not to say -- none), and most cities in Spain weren't designed with bicycles and the like in mind, and they are only now starting to correct this... too bad.
After looking at the videos and the picture, I'm pretty sure those places are around Toronto, but I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteIf that's the case, that's awesome! I think I've spotted about 2-3 xootr riders in the entire year I've gotten my own, nice to know that others out there also use them here.
I use it mainly to get around campus and during the warm months, to my internship/job and avoid the subway altogether. It's a great thing to avoid the TTC.
This review has been pretty helpful. I own a knowped and love it, but its bulkier than a xootr. I think I'll be buying a Roma soon.
ReplyDeleteHowever, one recommendation I can give, to Jano is to try the Knowped, it has much thicker wheels and is a bit more heavy duty than the xootr. I've ridden mine on terrible surfaces in NY and been just fine, I'm also 6'2" 280 so I usually feel shock a bit more than most. Like I said the only downside is thats its a bit bulkier.
Im glad I came across your review, excellent review. I'm considering picking up Xootr Street. I was a liitle apprehensive at first thinking that it looks dorky. It actually looks cool.
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for the excellent review. I wish I could spend that much for the scooter. I use to have izip S-500 electric scooter which has a 500Watt motor on it. It was fun to ride, but very heavy, and the battery was half of it's life in less than a year so I sold it. Now I'm looking into razor pro as a starter, they cost around $50. I'm wondering if I should try that first and then later on if I really like it, then step up to something like xootr rome. What do you think of razor pro? I'm 5'9, 130lb 30 year old college student.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any experience with the razor scooters, either pro or amateur, so I can't really comment except to say that the xootr is much, much cooler. The bigger wheels are going to be a real advantage for the xootr, and the general law of the universe is that if something costs four or five times as much, it's probably going to be better.
ReplyDeleteI suppose the question is simply whether the xootr is better enough to be worth it, or if the razor is good enough to be serviceable, and both of those are up to you to answer.
Personally, I'd keep saving for the xootr, but if it means missing the summer's best scooting weather...
Thanks for the reply. I bought a razor cruiser just yesterday since Kmart had them in stock for $60. All other stores didn't carry any or were only sold online. I really don't want to miss the summer so I bought a razor. It has 140mm wheels, wood deck which flexes some. Lot's of rattles on imperfect roads. I tried on aspahlt, and there was a lot of vibration. Maybe the road is not smooth enough. The handles are couple inches short for me but I think I can manage that since I'm not going to be riding my scooter for more than 2 miles. I wish I can get the xootr next year or so, but only if I can prove myself and my wife how useful it is. lol. I wish I had a chance to try both side by side.
ReplyDeletelooks like a nice scooter... seems like you refer to the Razr as a childs toy.. I bought a Razr A5 Lux, which has bigger wheels than the Xootr, and the scooter is a fraction of the cost.. also it too has excellent quality, and folds without the need of a seperate pin so there is no worry of losing the pin... the Xootr is a luxury most people can't afford whereas if someone stole my A5 Lux I wouldn't feel so bad as it is only $79.99 on amazon.. the ride is equal to or almost as good as the Xootr... maximum weight is 225 lbs and it has tall handle bars, as I am 5,11 and its just perfect... replacement parts are cheap and easy to install.. if your like most and the economy is hitting you hard, don't go for the mercedes when you could buy the Volkswagen, get an L5 you will get more bang for your buck... the Xootr is a prime example of a great product but only for those who can afford it...
ReplyDeleteHey 'Non, thanks for the mention of the new Razor. It's nice to see that they've come out with a model that takes direct aim at the Xootr. As I said a few comments earlier, I have no direct experience with any of the Razor models, so I can't comment if this one also falls into the "toy" category - but the kid in the Sk8r shoes on their website does seem to be enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteAs you say, the Xootr is more expensive, and it's up to everyone who's thinking of buying to decide if it's better enough to be worth the extra money, of if the Razor is good enough for them. I've never been afraid of paying a higher price for something better that I'll only need to buy once, and as I mentioned somewhere else, this scooter saves me more than its purchase price every summer that I use it instead of taking the subway to or from work.
While I don't put a lot of faith in internet reviews for the obvious reason - I know someone who writes them - it's interesting to see just how badly the Xootr MG spanks the Razor A5 in Amazon's star ratings.
Hi Matt. I was thinking of getting a scooter and I came across your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great review, first of all, and I have some questions.
Where did you get the scooter in Toronto and how much was it?
There are some people out there selling their scooter that have brands like "JustStart" or "Dunlop" (but not xootr brand). What do you think of these brands?
What is the ideal transportation distance?
Hi 'Non; I'm glad you liked the review.
ReplyDeleteI bought my scooter directly from Xootr's website. According to their dealers page, nobody in Toronto sells it, but if you're ever in Ottawa you will have better luck there.
I don't know anything about the other brands you've mentioned. Once I found my Xootr, I stopped looking at any others, so aside from the ones that I pass in the street I have no knowledge of any others. And from the experience that I've had in the four+ years that I've owned my Mg, if I needed to buy a new scooter, I'd be going straight back to the xootr website.
I find the ideal range is about 1-5km. Put another way, if it's less than a 15-20 minute walk, I'll just walk. If it's likely to be more than 30-40 minutes on the scooter, I'll take public transit. Of course, what I'm planning on doing on the way and when I get there is as important as the distance - I don't ride the scooter for my weekly trip to the grocery store even though it's within a comfortable range.
If you haven't already seen it, part one of my Xootr review is here:
Hey, i'm the guy who posted the bit about the A5 Lux, thanks for the reply... yeh I did read the reviews on Amazon, it seems like those who own the Xootr are pretty die-hard just like one who ones a product of Apple. I admit if I had the choice I'd rather an Xootr but if you do get the chance to take the A5 Lux for a ride you may be plesently surprised, its definately a sleeper pic.. also like I said its nice to have a scooter that can take some abuse and also it folds nicely without hassle. Its pretty hard to het an A5, I live in Canada and I had to order it straight from the factory in California so there aren't too many around, probably more rare than an Xootr. Do you know if there are any places in Canada or near Ottawa that sell the Xootr off hand?
ReplyDeleteThanx for the great series. After 3 months on my Xootrs I agree with almost all of your points. Your comments are partly the reason why I bought an MG and an Ultra Cruz.
I also live in TO and felt I should post my experiences to date.
First of all I must point out that I have been riding skateboards since the mid 70's and now currently ride longboards. My current commuter favorite is the Original Skateboards Path 37. I mention this because of my specific usage; I ride from home to the subway and then from the subway to the office of to take my daughter to school.
The carry strap was worse than useless to me. It would kill people on the subway. Swinging it around you would definitely hit someone. So my strap is not used on my commute. On the Yonge Subway line going south before 9 am it is a zoo. There is really no room to even stand it up in front of you. So there are limitations to its practical use as a subway extender during rush hour.
The MG can ride my 10yr old kid on the front and me on the back. Going down the moderate hill near my place gets us up to scary speeds that are in excess of 15mph or about 25 kph. Control is still excellent, braking is the only problem at that speed.
The MG creaks as it warps under the weight of the two of us (still under 220 lbs, 100kg).
OK, now for the skateboard part. Many of you have asked about the Xootr ride quality over non smooth surfaces. I can tell you categorically that it sucks the big one! On a smooth, no grip, subway platform it is absolutely amazing, illegal, but amazing. On anything other than new asphalt it is nasty. The worse stuff is red brick. With the rear brake and cover, front brake and locking pin all clanging incessantly as you bang along, it's a harsh and tiring ride. On the plus side pedestrians hear you clanging towards them from far away. You may get use to it, but I can't.
The main reason is because when I ride my considerably less efficient longboard, the carbon fibre reinforced flex deck smooths out all the micro and sometimes macro bumps. Even though 70mm wheels are used, it rides way smoother than the Xootr. It's not even a close thing. The longboard is way easier to get onto the subway train. No folding and locking and about 1/2 the weight. It is also way way more fun to ride.
I know almost everyone considering a Xootr cannot ride a longboard so this is only applicable to those who do.
I mentioned efficiency, the Xootr is the undisputed king. It can only be surpassed by larger diameter wheels like bikes and bike scooters. I can go 3 or 4 times farther than my best longboard on a push. Down a hill there is no comparison. The Xootr is much faster and glides longer. The longboard is way more fun, smooth quiet and comfy.
I wish I could have it all. Smooth, groovy, quiet and compact like a good longboard and the speed, efficiency, brake and carry capacity of the Xootr.
If I manage to Franken-deck my Xootr Ultra with a longboard, I will post the details here. Cheers and ride safely,
GNR87, I'll keep an eye out for the other scooters. Check out the xootr website for their distributors, there is one in Ottawa at the moment, but the network will likely change so there's not much point posting names or links here.
ReplyDeleteMarpe, thanks very much for the great comment.
Longboards look like such a great way to get around, and they're much cooler than any scooter. They're also much easier to carry. But the learning curve seems much steeper, so I've never tried it out.
My Mg does creak even when it's just me, and there are some places in the downtown canyons where the sound of the wheels echo back loudly enough to wake the neighbourhood. But overall I prefer that to the dumptruck-spilling-gravel noise from many skateboards. Perhaps that's unfair of me; I know that the xootr is silent on a smooth surface, but I don't know if the same is true for skateboards. I'm also comparing a premium product to an entire category of transport, and what I see is surely dominated by the Canadian Tire specials.
I like the carrying strap, but nearly never use it. I will very occasionally sling it across one shoulder if I have my hands full and don't need to go very far, at which point it's a life-saver. When it comes to the subway at rush-hour, I don't even like to try to get on with one of my messenger bags. Even a longboard must be a challenge.
About the only thing that I might disagree with you on is the efficiency of the xootr: I think they're better than most city bikes, at least where rolling resistance comes into play. I'm often in the bike lanes on College street, which are flat with smooth asphalt. I'm often gliding, or even feathering the brakes, while the cyclists ahead of me are pedaling.
But your Franken-deck ideal may not be too far-fetched - xootr sells their wheels independently, to the point where the top three finishers in the 2008 American Soap Box Derby were using them. I've seen some longboards with low-level decks that have nothing above their wheels. It would be an interesting hybrid.
I think we should totally start a Xootr/Kick riding club in Toronto!
ReplyDeleteNice useful review. Worrying about looking dorky by adding a cross rack is oh so... dorky. The Cool just roll their decks and keep searching for greater functionality, convenience and fun, in the bargain. Hey, come join us on Facebook's Kick-Scooting Central http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7673453419&ref=ts
ReplyDeleteGalga Zuzu
Great review. What color do you suggest? - J.
ReplyDeleteBlack goes with everything.
ReplyDeleteWill your feet occasionally hit the MG deck when kicking? I am considering getting one, but not too sure which one...roma, venus or mg?
Sometimes; I do have some scuffs on the inside of my shoes from brushing against the deck. It's pretty rare, though, since I'm used to the action and the deck isn't really that wide.
ReplyDeleteI think it's one of those times when there's no bad decision. But aside from one of the original wooden-deck models, the only model that I've ever seen people on has been the Mg.
Hey Matt, great review am sure it's helped a lot of people. I've owned a xootr for about 5 years. First the street and now the MG. When I bought the MG I also picked up the fender brake kit. Took me a while (I tried all sorts of things!) but finally found something that works long term to get rid of the rattle. There's this high density material that they use underneath furniture on wooden/glass floors to prevent scratches. It's self adhesive on one side. The pack I purchased is labeled as Skid Protector. Cut a strip of this off and stick it to the metal part of the fender brake (in between the metal and the plastic obviously). You'll need to take the fender off to attach it properly. Have been using it like this for about 12 months, still on the first piece of material and it still doesn't rattle. With regards to the brake cable catching on the fender, just keep pushing it inwards when you fold the scooter so it doesn't catch. It will eventually just go that way by itself.
Thanks for the great tip. As it happens, I do have some sticky-backed material for stopping furniture from scratching the floor; it seems like some sort of thick heavy-duty felt. I'll find it and the aluminum brake part and try it out. I'm not so keen on biking now that it's getting dark before rush hour, so the scooter is my wheeled vehicle of choice again.
ReplyDeletegreat work Matt, I have no more questions.
ReplyDeleteI want one! Thanks for your update!
ReplyDeleteI just received my from Apple Saddlery. Loving it. Even rode when it was -10 outside. Cut my walk to ~15 min from 30 min.
ReplyDeleteApple Saddlery ship from Ottawa to Toronto for ~$17. Ordering from Xootr direct will cost you ~$50 in shipping. If you are close to the border, you can have it sent to a Niagara Falls USA mailbox (i.e. www.cbiusa.com) and go pick it up.
I'll recieve my Xootr tomorrow. It's amazing how much I learned about the niche world of kick scooters in the past three days. I've researched Gopeds, Knowpeds, Razors, Electric, Motor, you name it. But I can't beat the great reviews I've heard about Xootr. I also saved myself from buying the Mg--it turns out that the max weight load is 250 lbs and I walk around at about 260. I called up the tech support and they explained everything to me in a friendly manner (great guys). I'm buying the Cruz--the wooden deck suits my environmental beliefs and cheap-skate mantra.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing, isn't it? I bet very few people, relatively speaking, even know that there's such a thing as kick scooters designed for adults, and yet there's hundreds of pages of information about them online. I've been spending the past month researching a product that's just a tiny speck in a tiny niche market, something that even many experts have never heard of, and there's a huge amount of material out there about it.
ReplyDeleteFantastic. I love the internet.
And thanks for adding to the wealth of information out there - the weight limits of the different scooters isn't something that comes up often. And the Cruz is a very cool scooter - it's actually the only other Xootr model that I've seen on the streets around here.
Excellent review, Matthew. I'm looking at the Mg for myself and the Ultra Cruz for my husband.
ReplyDeletegreat review! I've had a GoPed KnowPed for about a year which I enjoyed. It's big and sturdy and works very well in the streets of Taipei where I visit often. I jus ordered myself a Roma, and very much look forward to it.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to pick up my Xootr this weekend. Thank you for your reviews and videos!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment; I hope you love it.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the time to write all this, and educate the ignorant. You mention that there is alot of info on the internet, but after going to different sites, your blog, was the only one to tell me just what I needed to know. I have been thinking about getting a scooter for ages, but hesitated for fear of coming off as a dork. Where are all these scooters in TO? I have only seen one adult scooting TO,and fortunately for me, she too was a middle-aged female. I now feel motivated, and inspired. BIG THANK YOU!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your review, it helped me to make my decision re: scooter vs bike vs TTC for my 2.5km commute to work. I didn't even know there were adult scooters til a few weeks ago! I've no idea why I don't see more of these around TO. I just bought my Roma from Apple Saddlery (30% off!!) and can't wait for spring to start using it! You'll see me scooting around the east end:)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! While they're nowhere near common, I have been seeing more Xootrs around Toronto this past year. I'm glad to hear that there's someone in Ontario selling them as well.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear what you think of the Roma - it looks like even more fun than the Mg.
I am 46 yo from Brisvegas, Oztralia - I have ridden and own long board skateboards - and love scooters - I ordered my Zootr Street and will cause havoc locally - can't wait to get into it - my kids will be very jealous!
ReplyDeleteGreat review :)
ReplyDeleteI'd just bought one sans fender (the shop did not have the fender :( ) and used the 2 mounting holes to attach a 1" pipe with P-clips. Used the pipe to attach a rear safety light. Will be ordering the fender as without it puddles of water are a nuisance!
To all,
ReplyDeleteI am a Xootr MG fan. I found mine second hand. Did some hard elbow work to remove rust, ordered a few spare parts and voila. At 6'3" and athletic, I find it a great means of transport. It has accompanied me around the world on business trips to aid in movement from subway stations to our offices. You can imagine the site in Tokyo, Hong Kong or Paris when they see an executive in a suit on an MG.
Fast, dependable, and very easy to transport in the supplied carry bag. I have noticed the vibrations claimed by others and have only had one fall on wet marble tiles...Go figure. As for rough surfaces, it is solid. And on smooth, look out! Speed, speed and more speed.
Just for the record, I am approaching 50.
This is Karen from LetsKickScoot with some comments on Xootrs: The Roma, with its thin deck, is preferred by people used to riding large kickbikes/footbikes as well people with skateboard experience. People with small feet also find the Roma perfect. I ride a Venus which gives me more foot placement options. The wide MG is too wide for my small self (5'4") and causes me to become destabilized under some conditions. ... for vibration control, use thick, foam bar ends.